Goliath Now Available!

For Jr. S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents only, if you need a super-big, super-strong, super-genius, then Goliath is the Avenger for you!

Combo Damage: 11+15+16+21+45=108
Power 1: Grand Slam! -1 Star- 29 Damage
Power 2: Giant-Strength -2 Stars- 29 Damage plus team damage boost
Power 3: Double Stomp -3 Stars- 56 Damage
Hero Up: 111 Damage

Wendigo Mission and Sasquatch Now Available!

Sasquatch, the monstrous mystic member of Canadian super-team Alpha Flight!

 Power attacks:
Combo Damage: 13+16+18+30+31=108
Power 1: Sasquatch Kick -1 Star- 43 Damage
Power 2: Double Stomp -2 Stars- (12+15) up to 4 times =108 Damage
Power 3: Bigfoot Boom -3 Stars- 62 Damage
Hero Up: 97 Damage


Frost giants and the creature known as Wendigo are running wild in the wilderness! We need to put a stop to this rampage - and soon!

^^Hope you enjoy the video :D

Guardian Avaible!

This proud Canadian wears a powerful battlesuit of his own design as the leader of Alpha Flight!

Check out his attacks:

Combo Damage: 4+9+(7+7+7)+23+34=91
Power 1: Twin Blasts -1 Star- 11+11 Damage
Power 2: Battleplan Alpha -2 Stars- Full team armor boost
Power 3: Radial Blast -3 Stars- 31+31 Damage
Hero Up: 106 Damage